Oh no!  The organizers may well have thought the Sheep & Wool fest
would be fun for CC participants to see.  Not good for people who
will be at Sheep & Wool full time, though.  You might be able to do
some of the evening things at Costume Con, though.


> So I went to Darkover Grand Council (had a great time! Saw people,
> got cool books...)
> and got the flyer for CC in 2009...in Baltimore!! Yah!!!
> on the first weekend in May!!!! WAHHAAAAAAAA!!
> That is Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival weekend.
> So once again I'll be missing CC and it's right in my backyard >grumph<
> Please could those in charge look and see what might just conflict
> the next time they plan an event. Please?
> Ta
> Carol, Fri, getting ready, Mon not mobile before the whole shebang ends
> :-(
> --
> Creative Clutter is Better Than Idle Neatness!

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