On Friday 22 February 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 2/22/2008 9:06:53 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> http://jessamynscloset.com/badbooks.html
> ***************
> She lists
> "Braun and Schneider. Historic Costume in Pictures"
> I'm sorry but I love this book. However, I also know it's from  the 1840's.
> [You can clearly see it in the silhouettes of the women's  clothes...in any
> period] This makes it kinda fun, especially when they do the  Orient. And I
> love the Nationalistic costumes...which are indeed costumes. I  think it's
> worth having. But no one in their right mind would consider it a 
> completely accurate history.

There are definitely reasons to have some of these "bad" books (as she said, 
Robin Netherton collects them as evidence of different types of 
misconceptions about the costume of earlier periods that have infected the 
accepted "knowledge" across the history of costume research).  I don't detest 
Peacock, for example, because though he can't draw period silhouettes with 
great accuracy his timeline books give a useful general idea of types of 
change over time--particularly if you are already familiar with period styles 
from period art and other sources.

The biggest generalization I would make about the "bad" books is that they 
should not be given as a first, second, or third book to beginners, because 
they tend to give people the wrong mindset and other kinds of wrong ideas 
about historic costume and costume research.  I was fortunate in that the 
first costume history books I encountered were the ones written by the 
Cunningtons.  They use redrawings, true, but they're reasonably faithful 
redrawings, usually with indications of what the original source is, and they 
are steeped in the idea that period art should be a first stop in attempting 
to learn about period costume.  

Cathy Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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