Hello, oy there are so many good things coming up in terms of lectures and classes in the near future but none of them are in the Philadelphia region! If there is anyone out there who knows of any or may have influence over the planning for such events PLEASE please please start coming to this immediate area, we're parch!

Cape May and Gettysburg are close enough to make the trip for for specific events, however, those are pretty much the only nearest hubs for costuming. One is strictly for Civil War costuming and would you believe the tourists give strange stares to people in historic garb? Cape May has a wide range of things though I don't make it down there often, in fact I haven't yet. Both places are no less than three hours from here and many of the attendees to CM travel that far or greater to go so I wonder why there is never activity in the areas in between.

Through one of my first posts, I was informed about the Costumers Guild which operates in my immediate area but as usual when there is or was such a group they are no longer active, I haven't recieved any response as of yet.

Do any of you attend the annual conference hosted by the Genteel Arts out in Gettysburg? I have heard it is very good and will likely plan to go far enough in advance next year that it won't be booked up.

Have any of you ever been asked to speak publicly about period clothing of any era? A lady friend of mine asked me a very lovely question last night and I may need a little advice before giving her a reply. She was told about my collection of antique clothing and my general passion for it, and asked if I ever hold public programs involving them. I told her I haven't yet but am honoured to be considered in doing so. The program would be about 45 minutes and I am trying to come up with a theme for it, a way in which I can utlize my collection for such a purpose since I am far from having a complete collection of anything.

If anyone could offer any suggestions for a program theme and would need to know what I have to work with please email me directly.

Take care everybody:)

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