"About how many costume/fashion related books or magazines do you own?"
Books strictly about costume or sewing techniques about 60, including some 
photocopies. Then I have a large collection of the Rundschau drafting magazines 
(still not all) and many Burdas (I actually don't know why do I keep buying 
them when I never use them...I draft all patterns myself). 

"What was the first one you purchased?  Where did you purchase it?"
Probably Peacock, I bought it in some bookshop in Germany. 

"What was your most recent purchase?"
Fashion and Fetishism, All about silk, Fashions of the Gilded Age, vol.2 (all 
arrived at once from amazon)

"What do you think was the best deal that you have every made when purchasing a 
Probably succeeding to get the original of Medieval costume, armor, and 
weapons. For costumes, it's not very good, but the armor part is great and, 
there's a lot of pictures - redrawn, yes, but one could find the original when 
searching a little. I bought it for $50 fin a second hand bookshop.

"About how many period photographs do you own just for the costuming?"
I don't collect them.

"What book or magazine is your most treasured...if your house was on fire, you 
would take it with you."
The only not replaceable book is the already mentioned Medieval costume, armor 
and weapons, it's kind of a legend in the Czech republic and almost nobody owns 

"What is the worse costume book that you own?  I know Robin has a collection!"
Probably What people wore or some Czech costume and fashion books that are 
really terrible. Then Geschichte der Mode im 20.Jhd. is also pretty scary. I 
would send some to Robin but the books are so awful that they're not even worth 
the shipping...and, almost none of them is in English.

"Do you have a room devoted to your collection?"
Not really, the books are in my sewing room.

"When did you start collecting?"
When I started sewing costumes, about 5 years ago.

"Do you consider your collection for business or pleasure?"
For pleasure, a bit for business. I sew for customers, so I need some 
information, but sewing costumes is my real love:-D

Optional questions:

"How many sewing machines do you own?  What types and age?"
3, one is Pfaff about 5 years old, one Janome oveclock (My lock213D) - perhaps 
4 years old, and one Veritas about 30years old (an old Czech  sewing machine 
company). I'd need some good sewing machine for straight sewing, maybe I'll buy 
some industrial sewing machine one day.

"How many sewing patterns do you own?"
16, I don't use them much, I rather draft. Except for corsets, these I cannot 

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