You can still find knitting machines on ebay. Just make sure you type in  
"knitting machine", not the plural. Brother and Studio machines are the more  
common ones and very much the same in the way they look and how you use  them. 
Passap is the more expensive one and the carriage and some of  the terminology 
is a bit different. I bought the Studios because there was a  store in town 
that handled them at the time, but if one was available I would  have rather 
for the Brother machines. I do love my Studio machines  though.
Chris P. 
In a message dated 5/14/2008 7:57:55 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

On May  14, 2008, at 5:21 PM, Andrew T Trembley wrote:
> Unfortunately, your  impression seems to be about right. Both Passap  
> (the most  advanced European manufacturer) and Brother (the biggest  
>  Japanese manufacturer) no longer produce knitting machines.

Then maybe secondhand machines would be available.  I guess  the  
idea of seeing machines at a shop is less likely,  though.

> I'm not sure if it's that knitting machines don't lend  themselves  
> to multi-purpose designs, or if it's that they're  pretty much  
> useless without at least basic knowledge of  hand-knitting. Then  
> again, it could just be that serious  knitting machines are large,  
> too large for  apartment-dwellers.

Industrial machines would tend  to be more limited, each to its  
particular purpose.  Some are  much wider than home machines, can make  
very wide fabric or multiple  items at once.   Home machines are made  
to be versatile  for varied projects.

Andy covered the details on  gauges.  I think most people would  
start with the medium.   Since large-gauge handknitting goes faster,  
bulky knitters are not  as crucial to have.  Fine gauge is also a  
specialty type of  machine.

You may well want to have all three  gauges, fully computerized  
and automated.  But the medium would  be a good start.



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