"Plaited" is the old term for what we now call "Pleated". "Threads" was an informal term for fabric or clothing.

I guessing that the description of that photo was written a *long* time ago, 
and the editor didn't think to update the language.

Happy sewing,
  Deb Salisbury
  The Mantua-Maker
  Designer and creator of quality historical sewing patterns
  Renaissance to Victorian

I'm trying to recreate a Yuan dynasty outfit for my husband. He's
especially interested in the Mongolian "plaited garment" (pg. 140 of
5000 years of Chinese Costume). Apparently, it has "a broad band made of
plaited threads [...] sewn to the waist." They have a sketch of the
back, I believe, and a picture of a pottery figurine from Jiaozuo, Henan
Province showing the front, sort of.

Does anyone have any more information on this garment? Googling was
spectacularly unsuccessful and I can't find another picture of the
pottery figurine that shows the back.

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