On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 8:00 AM, Carol Kocian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> What is your favorite method of preserving patterns to keep them intact?
>>> In the past, I have fused the tissue to muslin, but those were *very* simple
>>> children's play clothes, and eyeballing the cutting line for a smaller size
>>> was simple.
>     I rarely use commercial patterns; usually I would draft them out of a
> book onto paper.
>     My favorite paper source: If anyone is near a large printing plant, call
> and ask if they print on web presses, and if so wold they give you a butt
> roll?

My favorite pattern paper is Christmas gift wrap. Not just any old
gift wrap but the glossy stuff you can usually only get at Christmas.
The back side takes a marker beautifully and it's sturdy enough to use
over and over. Also, it's just more fun. :)

Maggie Secara
~Coming in July from Popinjay Press
A Compendium of Common Knowledge 1558-1603:
Elizabethan commonplaces for writers, actors, & re-enactors
ISBN: 978-0-9818401-0-9
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