Count me in, as well. I'm looking forward to it!

Connie B.

Robin Netherton wrote:
Two items of note for those of you interested in my lectures on medieval dress, and are within range of either Ohio or Southern California:

-- I will be giving a full day of lectures (five in all) in Oxford, Ohio, at Miami University, on Saturday, Oct. 11, 2008. The website for registration isn't quite ready yet, but I figured some people would appreciate advance notice of the date and place for your calendar. My topics will be as follows:
    1. The Gothic Fitted Dress
    2. The Greenland Gored Gown
    3. Will the Real Sideless Surcoat Please Stand Up?
    4. The 15th Century V-Necked Gown
    5. When Medieval Meets Victorian: The Roots of Modern Costume Sources

-- I have been approached for a possible appearance in the Los Angeles area, early in 2009. This, too, would be a full day consisting of five lectures, similar to the above, though probably with some slight variation in the lecture lineup. The organizer would like to get a sense of how much interest there is so she can choose a suitable venue. If you think you might want to attend, please let her know. You can post here and I'll pass the word along, or contact her directly (with a copy to me, please): Kerri, at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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