I can tell you what _Should_ be on my mini me, the same darn Refaire dress that 
I've worn for the last 10 years,being torn apart and set to right.
  Must confess to the skirt being on an elastic band waist.I was too pressed 
for time when I bought it off ebay, to convert it to a proper waist band.
  The bodice is a generic cut, soft point at bottom ,semi rounded neckline. 
Laces up both sides.
  Sleeves were set in,but I'm getting a bit claustriphobic in my old age and 
couldn't pull the bodice over my head and not freak out. so i removed the 
sleeves ,sewed up the arm seams and made them tie ons.
  It really a lovely red and gold brocade and so non descript it can go 
Elizabethan or Italian depending on the accessories. If I don't actually cut 
anything I can convert back and forth with a seam here or there.
  So, I guess it just a waistband for now.....or maybe a slight Italian 
flavor....AHHHHHHH! I'm wishy- washy-er then Charlie Brown........
Suzi Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  At 19:09 29/09/2008, you wrote:
>It's that time of year: holiday parties, winter balls, theater season,
>company dinners, Diskens Fair, New Years Eve, cocktail parties,12th
>Night. You might even be planning a sojourn to a balmy tropical
>locale. Whatever the reason, h-costumers are probably making
>something. So, what's your dressmaker's dummy wearing today?
>Cynthia Barnes
>PS. It's ok to run into the sewing room, toss something marvelous on
>the dummy and *then* tell us about it. It's also ok to tell what's on
>your design sketchbook, worktable, at the sewing machine or in the
>embroidery hoop.

On my worktable - fabric and pattern for three sets of 1776 stays 
(Diderot), and three sets of pocket hoops to go with.

In a bag 2 linen and one cotton shift (Costume Closeup pattern).

Hanging on a hook a bag full of sample fabrics that I have to 
bully persuade the ladies to like.

Hanging on a rail, the first dress I ever made as a freelance (1983 
thanks for asking) which I am fiddling with to make into a 1780's dress.

And waiting to be torn into three petticoats, a bolt of calico - muslin to you.

I should be working, shouldn't I, not sitting at the computer?

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