So who dressed up for work today and what are you wearing?

I went to work as a Goth! I used an old Gunne Saxe dress I don't remember how I got, it's been waiting in the costume closet for a good 10 years, I bought a decent-quality wig, lots of makeup... I was expecting comments such as "That's different", or "it really changes you"... what I got were "Wow, you're beautiful!". Maybe I should become a Goth for real ;-)

Last Saturday we had a party, where we had to dress as movie characters. We dressed as Shaun of the Dead. My bf was Shaun, and I was a zombie. Great fun there too! It's weird how it scares people when you were weird colour contact lenses.

You can see both here (the last picture is of friends of ours, unrelated to my own costumes)
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