Käthe Barrows wrote:

*Don't mess up anyone else's costume/props with your costume/props.*
Don't have sharp pointy bits that will damage costumes or people.  Don't use
messy, drippy, sticky, or otherwise icky substances that might rub off on
someone else's costume.

This year I added in 'no lose glitter' because I've seen some masquerades where an entrant tossed glitter all around as part of their presentation. Looked spiffy. Unfortunately it's a bit slick on the stage surface and a couple entries later was a chorus line who kept losing their footing because of all the glitter! really hurt their presentation which was essential to the joke/concept of what they were trying to do. I have no idea if future MDs will keep this in, but it's a good thing to keep in mind: loose powder/glitter/confetti can affect the stage surface for future entries. Find another way to get the idea across.

*What's the difference between a historical masquerade costume and a hall
At CostumeCon, nothing.  Most Masquerade Directors don't want you entering
anything you've worn in the halls before the masquerade.  But that's so you
won't spoil the show, or lose that surprise effect you were trying for.

Actually, we were talking about the 'not wearing it around the halls before the masq' rule on Sunday at the How to Run a Masquerade panel. While everyone assumes that is the reason - after all, it's a good and valid one - Byron said he was around when that rule was created/added in, and it was because back in the day of 60+ entries they needed a method of trimming back the numbers, so they decided that if it has already been seen, it wouldn't go on stage. apparently it has recently been trimmed from some Masquerade rules (I just copied Byron's rules from the year BEFORE he trimmed it out!). Which makes me feel lots better about the exception we made to that rule this year. But even so, do consider that wearing it in the halls or to socials beforehand does lose some of the 'punch' of the stage surprise.

        BTW, Kayta: great explanations!
        -Judy Mitchell
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