At 09:14 PM 5/14/2009, you wrote:
Hello out there - everyone must be busy, the list is so quiet.


The only sewing I've been doing is repair work on a dress for Sutter's Fort (which I still need to finish). I spent much of today helping a friend by taking her to the hospital for (planned) surgery, waiting with her as she signed lots of papers, had an IV installed, and until she was wheeled off to the surgical theater just before noon, then calling her family and friends to keep them informed of what was going on. Thank G-d she is in her room, resting comfortably (well, as comfortable as one can be after abdominal surgery). I'll be going to her place each day she is in the hospital to take care of her cats. She asked everyone to hold off on calling her until Sunday. So that's what I've been up to.

Joan Jurancich
h-costume mailing list

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