Those of you who have read my earlier notes mentioning the Exchequer Pipe 
Rolls, may be interested to know that - in the accounts to be paid for King 
Henry VII's new Clothing - ordered directly after winning the Battle of 
Bosworth [22nd August, 1485]
"agsythen the kinges commyng to towne", and delivered to [his Servant or 
Tailor] John Englyssch
are the following items - 

Item, xiij. yerdes of fyne blak chamlet, for a cloke for the king, price the 
yerde -  v.s, iij d. - Lxi.s, iiij.d.
Item, - i yerd di. velvet, blak,for the lynyng of the cape of the cloke, - 
price the yerd, - xvi.s

This not only tells us of the period costs of the fabrics, it also tells us 
that to make a long cloak for King Henry, with a cape, the Tailor required 13 
yards of black camlet, and a yard of black

And, with reference back to the recent query concerning "cloth of gold" - 
within the same list of fabrics delieverd to John English to supply Henry 
Tudor's immediate wardrobe needs  within 14 days of Bosworth, we have the entry 

"fyne cloth of gold, purpille, riche",  - at a cost of £6, 2s the yard.

Using the conversion from the well-regarded website  "Purchasing Power of 
British Pounds from 1264 to Present" on economic history, and inflation between 
1485 and 2008, we see that 
"In 2008, £6 0s 4d from 1485 is worth £29,658.23 using average earnings".

So the more-than £830GB per yard from Watts of London, quoted in another h-cost 
message today, shows the relative cost of cloth-of-gold has gone down.

 Julian Wilson,
 in "old" Jersey
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