> Yep, Australia. Adelaide to be specific.

In Adelaide we discovered 1% alcohol ginger beer, sold as a soft drink
at that time in Australia.  And we were overflown by a flock of
budgies one afternoon.

I have that Nancy
> Bradfield book too (although I think I got it off Amazon). It is lovely. It
> totally makes me want to make Edwardian clothes (although I have nowhere to
> wear them).

The first edition, which I don't have, includes color images of some
of the garments.  The second edition (mine) has a drawings of a few
more garments instead.  There's also a paperback edition now.

Interesting note: some of the same dresses appear in both Nancy
Bradfield and Janet Arnold.  When you find and compare each of these
pairs you'll find that the proportions aren't the same.  Then remember
what is said about secondary sources and re-drawings.  Even the best
aren't perfect.

Carolyn Kayta Barrows
“The future is already here, it is just unevenly distributed.”
-William Gibson
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