Do you mean this one?
I wish it was a larger file to see the details better.

It looks like the jerkin and possibly his breeches are in leather. But his 
sleeves have a fabric look to them, and may be attached to a doublet of the 
same fabric. The sleeves look to be extra long and pushed into doing those 
gathers - I can't tell with an image this size. The sleeves also look to be in 
2 pieces. And just because you don't see an opening doesn't mean there isn't 
some sort of opening that is unseen in the image to get the hands through. I'm 
not sure what more help I can be, as sleeves are not a strong point for me.
 Kimiko Small
"Be the change you want to see in the world." ~ Ghandi

The Tudor Lady's Wardrobe pattern

----- Original Message ----
> I am, once again, making a Frobisher suit for Ansel to wear at Bristol. This 
> time I want to approximate the outfit Sir Martin is wearing in the only full 
> length portrait of him that I have seen. I need some input though on the 
> jerkin 
> he is wearing. I think that it looks to be made of leather, but I have no 
> concept of how to make the sleeves gather like that. Or how you would get 
> hands 
> through such a tight sleeve with no visible opening. Any guidance would be 
> greatly appreciated.

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