Speaking of costume-related inheritances, I recently inherited my
93-year old grandma-in-law's sewing stuff--all of it, including some
stuff she probably should have thrown away 50 years ago!  But since I
find old wooden bobbins with only a couple of feet of thread left on
them fascinating, I'm definitely not complaining.

There are some definite scores.  I now own a Bernina 830 (original,
non-computerized sort) along with 50 zillion accessories, and a beast
of a White 844 that--if sheer weight of the machine is anything to go
by--can probably sew through about 50 layers of heavy upholstery
without even noticing.  I haven't gone through more than about 1/4 of
the fabric (a lot of it is still in storage halfway across the
country) but my linen and silk and bizzaro funky 60s & 70s prints
collections have already expanded greatly, along with my vintage
sewing pattern collection (though sadly g-ma-in-law was about a foot
shorter and much much thinner than I--sigh).  And I now have every
different kind of sewing notion imaginable, and cool vintage buttons,
and so many spools of thread that I'm having serious trouble figuring
out how to store it all.  And the amazing antique laces that she
inherited from HER grandmother..... oh, it is to drool!  OK, sorry,
I'll stop bragging.

(See, there are advantages to the scarcity of modern seamstresses: if
g-ma-in-law's daughters or nieces or other blood relatives had been
into it, I probably would have lost my chance to go on this fun
treasure hunt.)

Anyway, looking through all these old sewing notions, and having an
interest in history, I can't help but wonder how old some of this
stuff IS.  G-ma-in-law started sewing young, so for all I know some of
these things could be 85+ years old, although I think most of the
oldest stuff is more likely from the 50s and 60s, and I know there's
plenty of stuff from the 80s and early 90s.

So my question is, does anyone have any resources to suggest that
might help me date some of this stuff?  Or any highly specific
memories, such as "in 1963 thread stopped coming on wooden spools and
went up to $0.12/50 yds"?  Or anything else that could help me to not
throw away something cool?

-E "yay!" House

PS--as I go through the collection, I plan to start offering stuff
that I don't expect to ever use up for free to anyone who is willing
to pay the shipping.  I expect to move within the next year or two,
and I really really don't want to have to move boxes upon boxes of
quilting fabric or 80s pastel suiting or appliques of someone else's

PPS--uhm, yeah, no, not the antique lace.  Mine. =}
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