If you want to scan in some photos of the vintage buttons,I"m pretty
good with identifying glass Czech buttons from pre-Communist, to
Communist, to post-communist, having been to the Czech Rep. twice on
trips for beads and buttons.

And they do sound yummy.

Yours in coustming, LisaA

On Thu, 28 Apr 2011 01:25:51 -0400 Elena House <exst...@gmail.com>
> Speaking of costume-related inheritances, I recently inherited my
> 93-year old grandma-in-law's sewing stuff--all of it, including 
> some
> stuff she probably should have thrown away 50 years ago!  But since 
> I
> find old wooden bobbins with only a couple of feet of thread left 
> on
> them fascinating, I'm definitely not complaining.
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