If there's a stable surface you can rest your elbows on I've found
that does a pretty good job at reducing camera shake (and if you're
photographing somethign in a glass case chances are you can rest your
arms/elbows against the glass). I also like cameras with an old
fashioned viewfinder instead of using the screen as that means it's
resting against your head instead of being tempted to hold it at arm's
length where the shake is going to be at it's worst.

On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 12:16 AM, Marjorie Wilser <the3t...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Only one thing to add, Cin and Alwyen,
> The LACMA exhibit, Fashioning Fashion, forbids tripods. Not cameras. Nothing
> about flash. Just tripods! Perhaps for the trip hazard? I don't know. I have
> a monopod which is a pretty darn good substitute, but they even forbade that
> when I asked. It wasn't even with me, but I was curious if they were going
> to be fussy about number of feet on the pod).
> And the Balenciaga exhibit in SF, which Cin and I just saw, forbade
> photography, period. Many of the displays were so dark (and on with several
> black garments) it was next-to-impossible to see construction details, but
> we happened to think of a tiny LED flashlight, and Cin happened to have one.
> Talk about a handy museum tool :) Even if we couldn't photograph, we could
> at least see! It might make photographs easier in cases where flash is
> forbidden (most cases).
>    == Marjorie Wilser
> =:=:=:Three Toad Press:=:=:=
> "Learn to laugh at yourself and you will never lack for amusement." --MW
> http://3toad.blogspot.com/
> On May 19, 2011, at 6:03 PM, Cin wrote:
>> Aylwen,
>> I see what you're looking at now. My recommendation: Take several
>> costume pieces to the camera store with you (various textures & hue
>> densities). Take your laptop, too.  Have the sales person setup the
>> lighting situation(s) you'll be in.  Run lots of experiments, perhaps
>> some like these:
>> * Set your camera to ISO 1600, shutter priority & shoot your costumes
>> from various distances.
>> * Switch to "indoor" mode & shoot.
>> * Switch to "night + portrait" and shoot a bunch more.
>> * Noodle around with the white balance.
>> * Shoot thru glass, if you can, to simulate museum cases.
>> * Turn the image stab on & off & see how things change when you shoot
>> your costumes from various distances.
>> * Add the tripod (good call, Claudine) and do it all again.
>> * Try macro, if there is one...  tho I dont see it listed on the features
>> page.
>> * Ask what setup the salesperson recommends now that s/he knows what
>> you're up to.
>> Down load everything to your computer & check the result on the bigger
>> screen.  Your computer will have much better color depth than the tiny
>> screen. See if you like the results and see if you have all the right
>> accessories (like the SDHC adapter) to dnld pics to your computer.
>> Having done that, see what else the shop recommends given your
>> interests and your price point.
>> --cin
>> Cynthia Barnes
>> cinbar...@gmail.com
>> On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 5:02 PM, Aylwen Gardiner-Garden
>> <aylwe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Sorry about the link - I've shortened it to http://tinyurl.com/3nqxqf9
>>> I have access to costume collections overseas that I can photograph
>>> without
>>> a flash. I prefer Olympus so was looking at this one
>>> http://dicksmith.com.au/product/XG6600/olympus-sp-600-ultra-zoom-digital-cameraand
>>> wondering if it would work.
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