First time I heard of them but their 2521 Edwardian gown looks just like a
Big 3 costume pattern that showed up after the Titanic movie became a hit. I
have the pattern somewhere.
After looking more at the site, you seem to be right about the Hollywood
inspired. The Masquerade Ball Gown looks like something from a Streisand
Red temptress gown is from Moulin Rouge.
So far, Moulin Rouge, Titanic and possibly My Fair Lady. Not bad prices if
you get patterns that don't require a degree. Even better if a novice can
use them.


-----Original Message-----
Does anyone know anything about  There's no
information about the creator(s) of these patterns, no background,
credentials, experience, or location.  There's no mailing address or phone
number, and the email  says it's for sales queries only.  They seem to be
specializing in movie costume knock-offs.


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