IMO, the fotki (movie) picture is the closest to how the gown looks in the movie. The wehartit is too blue/emerald and the wikia photo has been brightened to an extreme degree to show the texture of the fabric.

unless a person is dyeing their own fabric for this project, you are limited to what can be found to purchase, which is probably why the costume made on the fotki project is too emerald looking.


On Wed, 14 Sep 2011 22:41:35 -0700
 Patricia Dunham <> wrote:
very interesting the color
variation:  the fotki picture looks
relatively moss-green, while the
weheartit picture is very
emerald-jewel-tone.  It's the same
picture with two different
color-balances.  I prefer the
toned-down color, myself.

ALL the colors are differently
balanced:  the weheartit shot has
blue-er ice background and more
brilliant colors in the other
costumes, to go along with McG's
emerald; the fotki version shows more
muted colors in costumes and the ice
is more white-and-silver.

anybody know which color values are
closer to the film?


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