Hi all,

We've had an infestation of moths in the house, mostly in my feather
collection. I had them all in a (not airtight) plastic container. Thinking
that they needed some air, I kept all the vintage feathers carefully
wrapped up in tissue. Those feather I didn't care much about were in
zip-lock bags and had no moths in them at all. Of course the damage was to
the vintage feathers.

When I bring feathers home, I always put them in a zip bag and leave them
in the freezer for a couple of weeks to kill off any bugs that may already
be in them before I add them to my collection. Unfortunately, something
went wrong with my plans. After tossing about a third of my collection,
I've cleaned the rest and put them back into the freezer. I'll be ready to
take them out this weekend. Before I do I want to purchase some cedar chips
or a bit of cedar and put them in with the feathers and in my wool boxes
(the smell of moth balls makes me nauseous so I'm not going there).

SO my question: I understand the oils in the cedar (or lavendar if I decide
to use that instead) can stain and I wondered how you have avoided this.
Would putting the cedar or lavendar into one layer of muslin keep my
fabrics/feathers from being stained and still keep the moths out? Two

Thanks for any information you might have,
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