Thanks for the tip on using cloves, I'm going to give it a try in my drawers of 
small items.  Hmmmm, have some tubs of wool scaps, may try them there too.
For larger, ie; hanging, I've had success with the bags of cedar chips you can 
get at the pet store for small animal bedding.  I take old pillow cases, sew a 
couple of channels in it, full it up and pin to a hanger.  I shake it around a 
couple of times of year and change it out when the smell seems to be fading 
(which reminds me.....).  Never had a problem with cedar oil on the pillow 
case, so pretty sure none on the clothing.  I have one in the bottom of my sock 
drawer, which also houses all the wool sock my mother has knit me.  Seems to 
Flour moths;  hates them!  We had them once and had to clean out ALL the 
cupboards.  Put down bay leaves (dried) in the back of each shelf and it seems 
to have kept them away. 
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