One of my dummies is on display at the Riversdale House Museum, wearing a dark 
brown short gown with dark blue floral design and a dark blue wool 
petticoat--this is one variant of the dress of enslaved African Americans in 
the early 19th century.  There are four other figures included in different 

Ann Wass

-----Original Message-----
From: Cin <>
To: H-costume <>
Sent: Mon, Mar 12, 2012 9:28 pm
Subject: [h-cost] What's your dressmaker​'s dummy wearing today?

It's that time of year when the calendar is full of spring teas,
ummer holidays, Titanic era parties, winter balls, company dinners,
he spring theater season, LARP goodness. You might even be planning a
ojourn to thrilling foreign locale.  Whatever the reason, h-costumers
re probably making something.  So, what's your dressmaker's dummy
earing today?
ynthia Barnes
PS. It's ok to run into the sewing room, toss something marvelous on
he dummy and *then* tell us about it. It's also ok to tell what's in
our design sketchbook, on the worktable, in the quilt frame, at the
ewing machine or in the embroidery hoop.
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