Sounds like a tremendous load of cr34 to me. Unlike Cin, I do read the Bible and there's nothing remotely suggesting anything like a wimple; only advice for women praying to cover their heads in modesty. Cover can mean almost anything.

Sounds as if the authors were manufacturing facts out of silly putty.

==Marjorie Wilser

 @..@   @..@   @..@
Three Toad Press

On Mar 23, 2012, at 11:03 AM, Laurie Taylor wrote:

Greetings all,

I've been mulling this bit of trivia around in my head for the longest time. I think I need to share it and see if any of you know of any support or
documentation for this information.

"Most Unusual Concession to Modesty: The earliest Christians believed that the Virgin Mary was impregnated through her ear and that other women as well had used their ears as reproductive organs. For that reason, an exposed female ear was considered no less an outrage than an exposed thigh, and a woman would not appear in public unless clad in a tight-fitting wimple."

Felton, Bruce, and Mark Fowler. "Part II, Behavior." The Best, Worst, and Most Unusual: Noteworthy Achievements, Events, Feats and Blunders of Every
Conceivable Kind. New York: Galahad, 1994. 428. Print.

So, the wimple had to develop for some reason. Is this reason believable? Documentable? Are there any other reasons that would be more legitimate
based on available documentation?

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