I am going to make the outfit on page 79, which is described as "Fitted English 
gown with plain sleeves,". Which is worn over the "back-lacing kirtle" show as 
the top picture on page 67.   Now, looking at the earlier pictures in the book, 
the picture on page 79 most resembles fig. A10 on page 12, which is entitled 
"Gentlewoman, 1568", but it also resembles the picture of Jane the Fool on page 
39, fig 6(1545).   

So, my question is about fabric choices.   The outfit is going to be for a 
friend, and she is the baroness of our local SCA group.  She normally wears 
early period( very early, t-tunics and such) and we think this might be the 
outfit that is least restrictive, but also will look nice and is "late period" 
for us.   So my goal is to create a somewhat noble, but not royal appearance.  
Unfortunately, unlike in the book "The Queen's Servants",  in the Tudor Tailor 
book, they don't go into as much detail on who would be wearing specific 
outfits, I need to make some choices on my  own.   In the reproduction of the 
Jane the Fool gown, they use woolen damask, which would be perfect, but I don't 
know how readily I can find woolen damask at a price I can afford( I will be 
shopping in the new York fashion district, and one sometimes can find exactly 
what one wants, but sometimes not) would a silk taffeta be acceptable for the 
outer gown( I assume I will have to interline it as well as l!
 ine it to get it to hang right as most of the taffetas I have seen seem a 
little light, but I can do that).    For the kirtle/petttiecote, wool seems 
like it would be the most common, but do you think if I go with a taffeta if I 
go with a woollen damask gown?  Or does anyone else have suggestions for fabric 
choices that are available online, or what I should be looking for when I go 
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