Watching news tonight, noticed, again, some woman on national TV, a 
national-level government consultant (!) -- her hair looks like a wet string 
mop. Like she's been dressing her hair with olive oil to make it look greasy & 
stringy ON PURPOSE. Or MAYBE? this is supposed to look like it's still dripping 
wet from washing? And the wearer just has more important things to do with her 
valuable time than dry it before she leaves the house...  But filthy-greasy is 
what it looks like more often, to me.

Kind of a "Gordon Gecco/Mitt Romney" greased-back thing?, but, on women, with 
much longer lengths. And not usually slicked straight back, but center or 
side-parted, so more of the greased-out parts show around the face and 
shoulders. WHY would one want their well-made-up face framed with greasy (=> 
DIRTY) hair?

I think maybe I've seen Jennifer Anniston's hair in this condition; am pretty 
sure that I've seen Hillary Clinton's hair in this state, but she at least has 
the excuse of a crazy-busy schedule which might, on occasion, keep her hair 
unwashed for longer than she might prefer. But I've also seen a LOT of women 
with their hair in this condition, both in the media and in real life.

Does anyone have an opinion on WHY anyone would ever appear in public looking 
like they hadn't washed their hair in 3 weeks, and apparently think it's a GOOD 

thanks much!
chimene the sometimes clueless
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