Here’s an Etsy listing with an image, but it’s sold.

I found this:

for the late 18th/early 19thC patterns.

is the 1830s/1840s patterns. I have that one, must be around here somewhere…

There were three, and the first link is two of them.

They’re just listings, though, no pictures.


On Dec 4, 2014, at 9:47 PM, Cascio Michael <> wrote:

> Hello the list, 
>     Years ago either AlterYears or Amazon Vinegar Pickling Dry Goods carried 
> a set of graphed dress patterns from, I think, the Royal Ontario Museum.  My 
> Google-fu is failing me so I can't find a reference to them on-line.. If 
> anyone has these or remembers what I'm talking about could you let me know.  
> I think there were 3 different time periods so I'd like to know what they 
> were before I spend hours trying to find them through WorldCat.
>                                                                     Casssandra
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