The University of Washington (Seattle, Drama Library) has all three. 

 1. Pattern diagrams for three nineteenth-century... by Susan Barnwell  
Pattern diagrams for three nineteenth-century dresses in the Royal Ontario
Museum, 1834-1843 
by Susan Barnwell; Mary Holford; James Loates; Royal Ontario Museum.
Language: English  
Publisher: [Toronto] : Royal Ontario Museum, C1984.
Database: WorldCat
Libraries that own this item:  University of Washington Libraries

 2. Pattern diagrams for three eighteenth-century... by Susan Barnwell  
Pattern diagrams for three eighteenth-century dresses in the Royal Ontario
Museum : series 1, 1700-1775 
by Susan Barnwell; Mary Holford; James Loates; Royal Ontario Museum.
Language: English  
Publisher: [Toronto] : Royal Ontario Museum, C1984.
Database: WorldCat
Libraries that own this item:  University of Washington Libraries

 3. Pattern diagrams for three eighteenth-century... by Susan Barnwell  
Pattern diagrams for three eighteenth-century dresses in the Royal Ontario
Museum : series 2, 1780-1800 
by Susan Barnwell; Mary Holford; James Loates; Royal Ontario Museum.
Language: English  
Publisher: [Toronto] : Royal Ontario Museum, C1984.
Database: WorldCat
Libraries that own this item:  University of Washington Libraries 

-----Original Message-----

Message: 1
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2014 18:47:06 -0800
From: Cascio Michael <>
Subject: [h-cost] searching for a graphed pattern
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Hello the list, 
      Years ago either AlterYears or Amazon Vinegar Pickling Dry Goods
carried a set of graphed dress patterns from, I think, the Royal Ontario
Museum.  My Google-fu is failing me so I can't find a reference to them
on-line.. If anyone has these or remembers what I'm talking about could you
let me know.  I think there were 3 different time periods so I'd like to
know what they were before I spend hours trying to find them through

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