I have been following the NPS
reenactments since June for the 150th Siege of the Petersburg.  There were
reenactors at all the events.  I have been to all of their events.  


 They have reenactors who do living history demonstrations, but not battles. 
The big Gettysburg events, for example, are on private property nearby. Fort 
McHenry does a pageant type thing at the Fort. 

Ann Wass


-----Original Message-----
From: Penny Ladnier <pe...@costumegallery.com>
To: 'Historical Costume' <h-cost...@indra.com>
Sent: Thu, Jan 15, 2015 12:43 am
Subject: Re: [h-cost] New Orleans


I am glad you had fun in NOLA.  I miss going there for Mardi Gras.  My last
year to go was 2012.  My back just will not allow it. :(

About the NPS not allowing reenactments...I have been following the NPS
reenactments since June for the 150th Siege of the Petersburg.  There were
reenactors at all the events.  I have been to all of their events.  

Penny Ladnier, Owner
The Costume Gallery Websites, www.costumegallery.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheCostumeGallery  

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