Hi Erwan,
there are two issues why I can't use H2GIS.
*Issue 1: *
the license - GPL 3 is not an option for us

*Issue 2: *
We are using a binary format which is different to WKB and we don't want to 
make huge workarounds, which allows us to convert our binary format to a 
WKB because that's an unnecessary overhead for us which brings us no 

In addition our binary format supports more geometry types which are 
necessary for our application.

Am Mittwoch, 4. Februar 2015 17:09:44 UTC+1 schrieb bocher:
> Dear Steve,
> Offer interfaces instead of direct JTS object is a good option. As Nicolas 
> points out, it will be very interesting to extend the geometry model to 
> support OGC Simple Feature Specification for SQL. This idea is in our 
> pipe. We have identified the current constraints to do that and you are 
> welcome to exchange with H2GIS team and H2 guys.
> Could you explain what is not relevant to you with H2GIS , because we 
> support all SFS operators, predicates and we have advanced spatial 
> capabilities ?
> Erwan
> -- 
> OrbisGIS and H2GIS leader
> Co-chair of the OGC Symbology Encoding  SWG
> CNRS FR 2488
> Institut de recherche en sciences et techniques de la ville
> École Centrale de Nantes
> BP 92101
> 1 rue de la Noë, 44321 NANTES Cedex 3
> France
> Tél : 02 40 37 68 67
> http://www.irstv.fr/
> Le mercredi 4 février 2015 15:54:38 UTC+1, Nicolas Fortin (OrbisGIS) a 
> écrit :
>> You can't cast a wrapper to a wrapped object, this is why Java define the 
>> interface Wrapper.
>>>    - -> I understand your intention behind that... currently I do 
>>>    something like that in H2GIS's SpatialResultSetImpl
>> Default implementation means without the presence of H2 jar and JTS jar. 
>> Then at least one implementation of the new Api should be provided by h2. 
>> You can't ask a user of the database to develop a third party library for a 
>> feature that are already in h2.
>>>    - Default Implementation:
>>>    A default implementation itself makes sense because H2 should be 
>>>    able to test their spatial index. Therefore I would suggest to implement 
>>> a 
>>>    H2Envelope, H2Geometry, H2GeometryFactory or we can call it JTSEnvelope 
>>>    etc... which uses the JTS framework.
>>>    The default implementation can be provided by a different jar or by 
>>>    H2GIS.
>>> ​

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