Thank you for the useful discussion. :) Sorry for my long absence, I was 
not able to find the bug myself, so I come back without a patch, and will 
consider instead migrating to the development version.

Silvio kirjutas neljapäev, 25. veebruar 2021 kl 00:59:45 UTC+2:

> Hello Andreas,
>> I do understand your legal requirements, however in my opinion it is an 
>> illusion that sticking with 1.4.200 was compliant with these requirements: 
>> The H2 developpers stated clearly that each version is just a snapshot of 
>> the development branch (in numerical order) and that there was no support 
>> or bug-fixing for older releases.
>> In fact, all errors we found and reported were affecting 1.4.200 but have 
>> been fixed in the development branch 2.0.201 (only).
>> If you found the reason for the mentioned corruption and published a 
>> patch, then I doubt they would release another 1.4 version.
>> You could fork your own H2 repository though and just release H4-1.0 
>> though in order to be escrow compliant. (In fact we have been discussing 
>> that internally already because of the "release schedule").
> Generally speaking you are correct. I know that H2 has no bug fixing on 
> released versions and the release mechanism is "forward only". But we have 
> specified this explicitly in our contracts and have restricted ourselves to 
> versions that were deemed release worthy by the H2 devs and presented as 
> such on the website. At that time (I am speaking about the 1.2.x and early 
> 1.3.x period) releases where much more frequent so that gave us ample 
> leeway. I wish they would just in name release some of the more stable 
> snapshots. I need no specific guarantees about stability as the currently 
> released version also fails at times. We have built all kinds of safe 
> guards around that already (going as far as doing redundant transaction 
> logging that enables us to completely recreate a database with all its 
> contents when it gets wrecked with close to zero data loss).
> In theory we could renegotiate but as you probably know it is often risky 
> to try to renegotiate terms that where once accepted and never looked at 
> again if they are favorable to you already.
>> At this part you could expect some effort on your end when switching to 
>> 2.0.201: they introduced some more Preserved Keywords (which broke our 
>> age-old Schema Definition) and also (re-)moved some Oracle compatibility 
>> from the H2 mode into the Oracle Mode strictly (NEXT VALUE FOR vs. 
>> NEXTVAL). We had to rewrite a few statements and also change our code 
>> around Sequences. Maybe some other stuff I do not recall.
> Our database abstraction layers should shield us from most changes. SQL 
> statements use fully quoted names and we do not use sequences. Earlier H2 
> versions used to incorrectly drop quotes from DDL statements internally 
> serialized by H2 giving us errors when reopening such databases but the 
> devs solved that quickly in the next release at the time.
>> We have been facing similar challenges and so have built our own 
>> migration tool:
>> There is a Command Line mode and an UI. If you want to integrate it into 
>> the connection pool, you can strip the UI and use the static method:
>> MigrationTool.migrate(
>>           String versionFrom,
>>           String versionTo,
>>           String databaseFileName,
>>           String user,
>>           String password,
>>           String scriptFileName,
>>           String compression,
>>           String upgradeOptions,
>>           boolean overwrite,
>>           boolean force)
>>           throws Exception
>> It supports migration of DB folder, which can contain may H2 DBs.
> That could be very useful to us if we could do this in a separate class 
> loader so we can have one (or several threads) converting databases while 
> having the main server working with already converted databases using 
> 2.0.201.
>> Have a look into the code, it shows how to manage the different H2 
>> Drivers and load/unload them dynamically.
> Thank you. I will.
>> So true. Although I must say that only H2 2.0.201 provides the important 
>> features neded for a Oracle replacement: working table links and WITH 
>> clauses. 
>> And I am still missing the SQL Tuner and a proper execution plan (I know, 
>> I am dreaming).
>> For us, even more important is the "Oracle compatibility" in H2. While 
>> our product is RDBMS agnostic and works with all major DBs, each product 
>> will need its own handling or SQL statement where not compliant with the 
>> standard.
>> In case of H2 compared to Oracle, we do not need any particular 
>> adjustments any more (since 2.0.201), while MS SQL Server has basically its 
>> own DDL/query definition file.
>> Running the same software and SQL on Oracle (on large servers) and H2 (on 
>> a 2 core 4GB virtual machine) is unparalleled and priceless.
> We also target multiple RDBMS systems but H2 is one of the primary targets 
> in the abstraction layer so we do not use any of its compatibility modes. 
> And apart from HSQLDB we do not actively use any of the other currently 
> supported systems (PostgreSQL, SQLServer, MySQL) any more. I never bothered 
> to include Oracle. I used that quite heavily in the 8.x/9.x days and that 
> was enough for me to never touch it again.
> Thanks again for sharing your thoughts. I will certainly look into your 
> conversion tool and will report back here with whatever we come up with.
> And I am still hoping to hear something soon about what we can expect the 
> coming months...
> Kind regards,
> Silvio

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