Michael Shalayeff <mickey <at> lucifier.net> writes:

>> On Tue, Aug 07, 2012 at 01:07:40AM +0000, Peter Kun wrote:
>> Michael Shalayeff <mickey <at> lucifier.net> writes:
>> > but yet do not rush rebuilding anything right now since there are
>> > more changes coming after which we shall have a snapshot you can
>> > just unroll and save the hastle (unless you really want to do
>> > it yourself ;). also by then ld(1) will be linked into the built.
>> > cu
>> Hi. How is the progress on this task? Is there is any way to build
>> working system?

> re

> user binaries all build on i386 and amd64.
> theoretically arm shall work also but i have no system
> to run that is supported (:
> in fact there is sort of a snapshot one can unroll on top
> of openbsd 4.4 just do not forget to setup /emul/openbsd/libexec/ld.so
> and reboot new kernel before unrolling the userland (:
> ftp://ftp.aeriebsd.org/pub/AerieBSD/snapshots/i386/

> then make build shall be done and reboot;
> mkdir /emul/openbsd/usr/lib
> mv /usr/lib/*.so.* /emul/openbsd/usr/lib

> kernel is still built with gcc...
> pcc used to have some issues but i mean to retest
> now with many bugs fixed in pcc.

> the only binary built by hands from binutils is gas(1)...
> i've been concentrating on as(1) but damn i386 opcodes
> are driving me nuts (: all those 800 of them (:

> nroff(1) has issues but those shall be realtively easy to debug.

> cu
> -- 
> paranoic mickey (my employers have changed but, the name has remained) 

Thanks for details, much appreciated :-) 

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