First, thank you for taking a stab at themes. I hope all is going well for you and 
everone else in that area. Please let us know when you have something.

Before anyone goes and buys things there are probably FEC rules. I think I saw 
something come over the list saying there was a $250 personal max, but don't quote me 
on that. Because of our unclear legal status we should be careful in that area. For 
now I think having each site find its own hosting is best. If a site is willing and 
has the resources we can put other area sites on their server. Our legal status should 
clear up soon so we can feel free to make definitive decisions on this.

Having said that we should find places which will cooperate with us and individual 
sites for hosting. If we have a list of these ready we can get individual sites up 
quicker. I will start a page on the wiki under OpenDecisons for us to catalog these 
potential hosting providers and discuss issues.

We will need a place to put our server which will house MetaDean. It looks like the 
current home of isn't quite up to it.

I should note that I have never run a high traffic website or bought hosting so I am 
not an expert on this issue. I can make a rough estimate for bandwidth or pocessor 
use, but I don't think any of us quite know how big this will get.

As for domain names, I think that also is being limited by our ambiguous status. As 
far as I can tell we only really need one or two for top level stuff, which we have. 
Domains for individual sites can still go through or we can get more for 

On the software side we are not quite ready, there is still much to do. On the legal 
side we still need to define ourselves. When these are ready I expect we will do what 
we can with our current servers. At some point we will probably have to move over to 
some other hosting provider or find something for some individual sites. Until then I 
think we need to work on the things at hand and be ready for rolling out these 
services quickly.

This is ambitious project we need to take one step at a time while looking ahead and, 
most importantly, we need to keep moving.


(sorry for the long posts, please consider responding off list if appropriate)

aim: ndrumm3

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