On Thu, Jul 24, 2003 at 01:37:22PM -0400, Zephyr Teachout wrote:
> Hey, no knocking country!

We're not *wrong*... we're not *sorry*...

and it's probably gonna happen again. 


> For names, I since we'll host the kits somewhere on DFA.com, the public
> name of the website service will be diff. than the name of the dev
> community (since my sense is that you all want to remain a loose
> collective doing vol work but not officially on campaign). 

I think that's a reasonable description of the rough concensus from last
night's chat -- no doubt Zack or Josh will correct me if I'm shooting my
mouth off.

> Here's the plan from our pov:
> (1) We host kit service 
> (2) We host the deanster wannabe (talent db, as zack calls it)
> (3) You (dev com) host yourselves (but you're welcome to be hosted by
> us)
> (4) Groups that use the kits host themselves (and are not welcome to be
> hosted by us cuz then we'd have to be responsible for content, which
> nobody wants)
> The naming q could be: 
> (a) about -you- (name of dev. Com)
> (b) suggestion to the campaign about kit hosting place
> (c) suggestion to the campaign about the suggestions to the dean
> community sites about how to brand
> Seems to me there's a conflation of a, b & c -- inasmuch as they are b &
> c,  I like deanspace fwiw, but I'm not the message guru :) -- will share
> w/staff.
> Am I the conflated one, or do I have it right?

Conflated?  Probably not.

Overly terse?  Possibly.  :-)  And I thought *I* was Captain Jargon.

There are, actually, 3 issues at hand:

1) the name of the domain/organization which hosts the development of the kit
software -- currently hack4dean, though other names were proposed last night
which kind of uncouple the raw development from the campaign, such as
(mine :-): hack4democracy.

A vocal component of the crowd frowns in "hack"'s general direction,
but I think that "Americans For Dean" would provide all involved who
don't want to fight that battle (I explicitly do) sufficient insulation...

In addition, this provides insulation against such silliness as someone
deciding that donations of labor need to be figured as campaign contributions
at The Going Rate -- since the software organization is explicitly not tied
to the campaign, it's not even an issue.

2) the name of the organization which assists local groups -- and possibly
also DFA itself -- in deploying that kit.  Currently, this organization is
Americans For Dean...

3) and the 'thing' it's building -- the interconnected web
of Dean related sites -- has it's name up for poll as we speak; some
suggestions are DeanSpace and DeanWeb.  As Zack notes, consider it a
brand... and remember that Tide isn't sold by "Tide Corp", it comes from
Proctor and Gamble.

Does that clarify what (I think) the questions are?  Not to mention the
current approaches to answers...
Jay R. Ashworth                                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Member of the Technical Staff     Baylink                             RFC 2100
The Suncoast Freenet         The Things I Think
Tampa Bay, Florida        http://baylink.pitas.com             +1 727 647 1274

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