* FRIGN 2015-12-12 20:45
> The fun thing is: sent currently supports pbm as well when you run 2ff, 
> because
> it internally calls imagemagick's "convert" in case it detects a file format
> not handled by the native farbfeld tools.
> This means that if you supply sent with a pbm file, it will run it through
> 2ff just fine. Try it yourself. :)

ironically, I don't have imagemagick installed on any of my boxes, but
have netpbm on all. (but then I can use any of the numerous ppmto* and
pnmto* and pamto* to convert to whatever I need.)

that said, however, I don't really get why one would insist on having
pbm as intermediate format, apart from "because you can". 

for me, pbm is a medium which allows to apply all the tools available in
the netpbm suite on a bulk of images, and there are quite some of them.


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