On Sun, 13 Dec 2015 11:22:30 +0100
s...@mailless.org wrote:

> ironically, I don't have imagemagick installed on any of my boxes, but
> have netpbm on all. (but then I can use any of the numerous ppmto* and
> pnmto* and pamto* to convert to whatever I need.)

I don't blame you, imagemagick is a beast. But if you do graphics stuff,
the pdf- and other utilites are very handy.

> that said, however, I don't really get why one would insist on having
> pbm as intermediate format, apart from "because you can". 


> for me, pbm is a medium which allows to apply all the tools available in
> the netpbm suite on a bulk of images, and there are quite some of them.

I'll think about adding pbm2ff and ff2pbm to the farbfeld-utilities :P
Then the crowd is happy and you can use the netpbm suite.



FRIGN <d...@frign.de>

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