Hi There,


I detected unknown RF at 2.4 GHz which is not Wi-Fi.

This RF is not Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or Microwave, It has different FFT pattern,
waterfall, and sound signature.

This signal also deliver Wi-Fi packets to make people believe it is Wi-Fi


I use AirMagnet XT - 2.4 GHz  and the software also detected unknown

Attached my analysis document.



Please see following pages for quick understanding :

1. Page 18-19                     :  Conclusions

2. Page 43-46                     :  This page contains analysis of Radio
Sound from 3 aspects : Sound Track, Sound Wave Form,

                                                 Sound WaterFall pattern. We
can see that huge difference between Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz sound and unknown Radio

3. Page 47-51                      : This external signal cause wifi
fluctuations. Page 47 contains sample Wi-Fi signal from US which is really

                                                  Page 50, using AirMagnet
XT ( 2.4 GHx spectrum analyzer ) we can see that the external interference
cause nearly 10 channels

                                                  affected. This is abnormal

4. Page 52                            :  Relation of RF to human brain

5. Page 61                            :  Video as reference, one of video :


                Unknown RF at 2.4 GHz reaction with human body with EEG 


                Details : This video shows the waterfall images. Each time
we see set lines, the individual 

                will feel the reaction to body which not able to show to any
other people. Please see EEG 

                window at right side at time 6.20 - 6.25 , 6.30-6.40, 6.50 -
6.55. The spike on EEG is 

                trigger by external factor and the individual can feel it.

                                                           ( other pages as
supporting analysis )


I reported this issue to 3 RF spectrum managers :

1. iDA    - Singapore

2. MCMC - Malaysia

3. Balmon - Indonesia


It seems , they don't understand about Radio and 2.4 GHz 


If anyone could help with more data will be much appreciated or anything




Srinivasan T


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