Hello All.

These legal discussions come and go all the time, both here and (especially) in linux-il, and they always make me rub my eyes, over and over again.

Linux and GNU are supposed to be the representatives of the free world, aren't they? How come we always find ourselves in these legal discussions, in which we are covering our asses?

The CD logo legal discussion brings the paranoia to a new record. I can understand that a company, which wants to use GPL-licensed software, is a bit worried about the legal implications. But us? What are we afraid of? Can anyone here really imagine that Red Hat would sue us for this CD logo? Will they ever know? Would they care? Who would they sue, exactly? And frankly, wouldn't they make complete idiots of themselves if they did?

The worst side about all this is that some here are afraid to do the most natural thing: Duplicate free software, and make a nice CD cover for it, which displays exactly what it is. I understand the legal arguments, and I suppose that they are correct. But IMHO, they are miles away from the original cause of all this: Free software.

What should really worry us, is not what Red Had will do to us, but that we think in that direction.


Web: http://www.billauer.co.il

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