Haim Ravia wrote:

While I have my own reservations regarding the Red Hat policy, let me offer
you the following simple guideline: what is right = what is legal.

Not trying to open an old discussion again, but I would like it explained again, if you can.

As far as I understand Trademark law - once RedHat decided a given thing is called "RedHat Linux 9", they have no way of forcing me to use or not use it a given way. As long as I'm not trying to attribute the name "RedHat 9" to something it isn't, there is nothing they can tell me to do or not to do. The fact that they have an FAQ does not change that, except to agree that certain things are agreed by all to be ok. In particular, if their FAQ claims that I cannot do something, or must do something only under certain conditions, this claim holds no binding on me unless Trademark or Copyright law also says I must get permission from them.

Furthermore - RedHat themselves distribute "RedHat Linux 9" as free downloads from their site, without any accompanying support. As such, it is them (the trademark holder) that decided that the specific ISOs can be called "RedHat Linux 9". Unless copyright law says I cannot distribute them (and I think there is a clear consensus here that this is not the case), I can distribute them AND call them RedHat Linux 9, because that's what they are.

Am I missing something here? Is there even a reason that some HTML page on their web site should have a legal holding on me in this case?

I'll just add that I heartily recommend that this be the last time we (Hamakor) duplicate any CD that has any trademark owned by RedHat related to it (Fedora included - did you know Fedora comes with a EULA? It tries to enforce those same things that Trademark law doesn't cover via contract. I think RedHat made my list of proprietary software vendors now - they sure act like one).


Shachar Shemesh
Open Source integration consultant
Home page & resume - http://www.shemesh.biz/

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