On Wed, 31 Dec 2003, Nadav Har'El wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 30, 2003, Slava Shklyar wrote about "Re: [Haifux] sms in israel":
> > "קבלת השירותים והתכנים כרוכה בתשלום התעריפים המפורטים באתר אינטרנט זה
> > ו/או בלוח התעריפים של תוכנית התעריפים שלך. התעריפים ייקבעו על פי
> > הרשיון שניתן לפרטנר ממשרד התקשורת, ועשויים להתעדכן מעת לעת."
> >
> >
> > I understand Orange charges you for sending SMS from the site.
> > How much it costs?
> Currently Orange doesn't charge anything for the first 20 messages each
> day. Sendsms tries to verify that this is still the case (by fetching the
> relevant page and seeing that the "free" text is still there) and that
> you haven't finished your quota, and will not send messages costing money.
> HOWEVER, there are absolutely no guarantees. Orange can play tricks and
> can charge you 100 shekels per message and still put the same message in
> their page, if they wish... Therefore you are encouraged check out the cost
> details in Orange's site yourself instead of asking questions here - in
> fact you must do so, because you'll need to get an account from them, and
> you'll see there the costs issues.
> I know people who have been sendsms SMSs to Orange for 4 years, and are
> yet to pay a penny.

BTW: Do you know to access the account registration page for Orange using
     a free OS and Browser?


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 -=[ Random Fortune ]=-
He's just a politician trying to save both his faces...

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