Hi Eli,

On Sun, 18 Jan 2004, Eli Billauer wrote:

> As you may recall, I gave a lecture about iptables, which covered both
> masquerading and some basic firewalling. But it seems like iptables is a

Yes, I remember that.

> And yes, I treated firewalling as a side issue in my lecture. After all,
> we trust our fellow internet users, don't we? ;)

Ofcourse we do ;)

Firewalling is not going to be a side issue of my lecture. I will focus
more on the filter options part of IPTables, actually.

> Do have a look on my slides. You may find the sketches useful.

I just had a look. Your slides are very good and I remember them.
What I plan to talk about is in totally different view. First of all - I
am not going to mention NAT, neither mangling at all. I won't talk about
masquerading but I'll focus on filtering, giving a wide introcution regarding
the logic behind IPtables, I'll describe useful commands and give examples as
well. At the 2nd part, I wish to describe some attacks scenarios and how to
defend against them using IPtables. I'll also want to describe the concepts of
building a firewall, using IPtables. I hope that there are people who like
chains, in addition to "traditional code" :)

> It seems to me that those who are with Haifux for a long time will not
> be so interested, while the Staying-in-Linux audience can find it very
> useful. Besides, that's your chance to get a slot before May. ;)

Maybe. I'm not sure who wants to hear about it and who doesn't. It's
actually a very relevant Linux subject which I believe that even the
veteran users (who wish to know better what IPtables is) will be glad to
hear about (Google proves my point ;). As for slotting it before May - I'm
afraid that I won't have time to start working on it before March (exams, etc),
so starting to work on it afterwards, while getting scehduled in the end of
May, is great for me. Otherwise - I would have considered to give it

> And what I see happening is that we get two tracks of lectures: One for
> experts and one for newbies. I think this is a great thing. Maybe we
> should make this official.

Maybe. It sounds like a good idea. Anyway, regarding my lecture(s), if I
split it to two, naturally there will be a basic lecture and a more
advanced one. I'll be glad to give both as "regular" lectures and see
later where and how it fits to a SiL series (of next year).

Best regards.

Adir Abraham
Technion's Advisors Group and Public PC Farms Manager
Haifa, Israel
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