On Sun, 18 Jan 2004, Eli Billauer wrote:

> Hello Adir.
> As you may recall, I gave a lecture about iptables, which covered both
> masquerading and some basic firewalling. But it seems like iptables is a
> very popular topic: The knockout winner of google searches, that bring
> people to my site, is exactly iptables and masquerading (since I keep my
> lecture slides there as well). So obviously, there is a demand.
> And yes, I treated firewalling as a side issue in my lecture. After all,
> we trust our fellow internet users, don't we? ;)
> Do have a look on my slides. You may find the sketches useful.
> It seems to me that those who are with Haifux for a long time will not
> be so interested, while the Staying-in-Linux audience can find it very
> useful. Besides, that's your chance to get a slot before May. ;)
> And what I see happening is that we get two tracks of lectures: One for
> experts and one for newbies. I think this is a great thing. Maybe we
> should make this official.
>    Eli

I agree with Eli on this point. I think this is a great lecture for SIL,
but Eli's lecture was given not so long ago, and I feel there is a bit
more to GNU and Linux than repeating topics in such a small time interval.

Adir, If March (the next SIL slot) is too soon, we can schedule your
IPtables lecture as a SIL lecture a bit afterwards, but May 31st is a date
reserved for a "regular" lecture (veteran, advanced, new, whatever you may
call it).

However, since most of the Haifux "veterans" have already enjoyed Eli's
lecture, and can go to the slides to refresh their memory (no need to
hammer that info inside heads), I see no reason for a causing a drought of
lectures (4 or 6 weeks between new topics).


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