On Thu, 5 Aug 2004, Nadav Har'El wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 04, 2004, Alon Altman wrote about "Welcome to Linux 2004":
> > all three locations, including travel info for all 3 locations. The proposed
> > address for this site is http://www.w2Linux.org. If you could think of a
> > better address that's open for registration, please suggest it.
> Well, a ".org.il" would be more indicative of our Israeli nature, but
> I guess .org is nice if you're thinking of growing abroad.

I thought about something along the lines of:


It is even for free, because we already have linux.org.il, and it is so
intuitive. We can also have a link from the top of the page of
linux.org.il, as we had a link from the top of haifux.org last year.

w2l is an internal slang, I don't think it is catchy for newbies.

Orna Agmon http://vipe.technion.ac.il/~ladypine/
ICQ: 348759096

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