Currently the results of the three hours long and tedious fight are:

- we shall have two tracks - basic and advanced (names will be later
changed to match PR reasons).
the basic track is for the regular joe. They will get two lectures: intro.
where someone will stand and show them Linux, and in the end they could
buy/get Kazix which will be configured to be similar to the distro
installed in the Linux Day.
This lecture will be given twice.
Another lecture to this track is FOSS philosophy and other similar stuff.
This lecture is for them to understand that FOSS is good, and even if they
don't switch to Linux, they can enjoy it in their Windows environment.

They will be encouraged to arrive to the Linux day where they'll get a
machine installed.

The advanced track will start with a Blitz lecture (1 hour, just like the
introduction) where we show them how powerful Linux can be.
Then there is going to be an Installation lecture, which will be given on
Wed., so people could buy/get the distro of the LinuxDay and try to
install at home (note that these people are considered power users, so we
can tell them to re-partition).
On the Monday afterwards we will have a Q&A session (followed with another
Q&A section) which is actually a session of problems and showing them how
to identify/even fix the problem in general terms.
Next week - Linux Day:
1. Installation
2. Configruation
3. Lectures
4. Presentations? Maybe having few Linux stands so people could play.

Afterwards both tracks become one - we shall give them basic admin lecture
(gui and command line tools).

I suggest also adding a concentrated version of Guy's SiL lectures
(groups, permissions, file system, process, etc.)
Also it is worth to think about a bash lecture (SiL, by Eli Billauer).

Delicate issues:
1. sorting the people to track A or B
2. if we can have demo station during the first lecture - that might be
3. Installation lecture - should be done live.
4. Installation - last time the idea of having the installers meet before
seemed good. If we will do this "right" this time, we can have a better
LinuxDay (the gurues will solve problems, not install).

I might forgot something, but please comment all, so we could know what we
have in hand...


On Mon, 9 Aug 2004, Orna Agmon wrote:

> Hi All,
> I put a summary of the protocol on URL:
> I left at about 20:30, so the final conclusion may seem a bit fuzzy. If I
> made a mistake there, please (all of you who stayed till the end) tell me.
> Orna.

Orr Dunkelman,

"Any human thing supposed to be complete, must for that reason infallibly
be faulty" -- Herman Melville, Moby Dick.

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