This suggestion reminds me a story:

In the NESSIE project (european project to evaluate various cryptographic
primitives) we recieved a candidate named Whirlpool - hash function of
512-bit digest.

It's optimized code was so slow that someone wrote about whirlpool:
while you hash with whirlpool, you could hash in SHA-1, MD5, tiger,
SHA-256 concatenate the results, get a faster implementation, and you'll
get more bits in the digest.

This is true, but has no meaning. A paper to be presented tomorrow in
Santa Barbara by Antoine Joux (who found the collision in SHA-0), explains
that to attack such a scheme:
h(x) = SHA-1(x) || MD5(x)
is as hard as breaking the harder between the two (under birthday
So a generic attack of finding collisions in SHA-1(x)||MD5(x) requires
only 2^80 computations (and not 2^160 as one might expect).
Also, it is very likely that if the SHA-1 results will be obtained in
similar methods to the ones of MD5, then his ideas will be applicable also
for the new attacks.

On Tue, 17 Aug 2004, Oron Peled wrote:

> On Tuesday 17 August 2004 14:56, Orr Dunkelman wrote:
> > AFAIK, Eli (my advisor) is working for quite some time on this.
> >
> > I hope he'll succeed.
> >
> > When this happens - use tiger.
> But could it be that messages with same MD5 and messages
> with same SHA1 do not have an intersection?
> If so, than it may be easier to compute MD5 + SHA1 for each
> protected tarball (or ISO).

Orr Dunkelman,

"Any human thing supposed to be complete, must for that reason infallibly
be faulty" -- Herman Melville, Moby Dick.

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