Hi all,

I read in Ynet some comments regarding Kazit's distribution, and among the
comments I saw someone who said that "SLAX solved most problems of Kazit".
So, curious me, I decided to google it and give it a try.
I found SLAX - Slackware-based distribution LiveCD.
These are the results (under the Pentium 4 3.0GHz computer):

extremly fast loading (in comparison to knoppix), *full* hardware
recognition (I heard a little song when it got into KDE...), down to the little
details of them. The CD includes: Linux Kernel 2.4.28-pre2 with SATA support, Xorg
6.7.0, KDE 3.3.0, KOffice 1.3.2, Mplayer 1.05pre5 (with Kplayer), kopete, midnight
commander, cdrtools, hotplug support and much more tools which you will
have to see for yourself.

Network was easily recognized and installed, and I only had to do "dhcpcd
eth1" after it logged in (once again - cables, no dialer). On a 183MB
LiveCD (yes, it can fit to a mini-CD!), it includes everything that you
might have wanted from a LiveCD. Sleek design, and ease of use. It has
nice options such as copying all the distribution to the HD (to use it
via FAT or ext2/3), to the RAM (my favorite choice. Needs at least 256MB
of RAM for that. remarkably improves performance), or even to a
disk-on-key. Temporary files/saves/etc can be stored on one of these
memory devices as well (on the RAM it will be erased immidiately after
reboot, ofcourse).

In addition to all that, it has a special modules ISO (or an addendum to
the original SLAX CD, if you wish), which include development tools and
other tools (around 55MB of image).

The only thing that needs to be treated - Hebrew (as usual). Same as Knoppix.
It has nice European support (many European languages are installed).
Hebrew can be installed for keyboard layout, reading, and writing, but
from people's comments - they see my Hebrew as "????", so it needs to be
fixed. I am not sure where the charset configurations are - so if people
want to give it a try and help me with this - I will be glad.

Bottom line - Slax (which is based on Slackware X), really surprised me,
for good. The fastest LiveCD which I've ever seen, and in a mini-CD, it
includes everything that a user need (without development tools, which are
found in another image, and can be combined later to one CD, but a
regular one). If we fix the little Hebrew problem - this can be a serious potential
to be a mini-CD for the instaparty.

Once again, I'm looking to hear *relevant* comments about the issue
(comments such as "Slackware is bad for your health" are not relevant, for
example). Please try it yourself (for real), and let me know what you
think. Here are some links:

Direct link to download:


Main page:


Download page (including modules download, and the special development


Features page (spec):


And nice cheatcodes (some of them you won't find in any other liveCD):


And much more...

I'm looking for your comments.



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