On Sat, 5 Mar 2005, Muli Ben-Yehuda wrote:
> I think you should contact Hamamkor.

I agree.

> > I would like to hear if this sounds interesting, and suggestion where
> > would such event be best presented?
> For starters, a (technical) talk about your work on Ubuntu in Haifux
> would be interesting. It sounds like you want to do an "evangelism"
> sort of thing, though.

Evangelism is actually what W2L is for. but it can certainly fit in a SIL
slot, if the level of technical description does not require prior

We could set up a counter in the hall before the lecture, and hand out
disks, while trying to get people to go to the lecture, in which you will
explain about UBUNTU. Also, the team of Haifuxers/sysadmins in the
computer farm in Taub has recently installed UBUNTU there, so publishing
in the farm might also be beneficial.

Orna Agmon http://ladypine.org/  http://haifux.org/~ladypine/
ICQ: 348759096

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