First, thanks for an interesting test plan.
Just a quick note (I currently don't have time for retesting):
  On Wednesday 22 June 2005 03:41, Eli Billauer wrote:
  > And finally: Does an RAM FIFO help? Surprisingly, the answer is no.

Since you use stdio (fwrite), which by default does full buffering
in user space (c.f: setvbuf(3)) this does not surprise me.
Repeating the test with open/write/close etc, would give more
significant results (altough I suspect they would only be worse :-(

Tzahi mentioned XFS. While I'm not sure XFS would help with small
write chunks (Reiserfs seems like better candidate for these),
I'd like to mention a related feature the original XFS had on Irix
(I think this feature wasn't ported to Linux) -- You could assign
a special sub-volume in the filesystem as "real-time". The kernel
would then give absolute priority to I/O requests related to that
sub-volume -- In marketing speech this would give you "guaranteed
I/O response time" (although I don't remember seeing any specific
constraints on this [that's why I call it "marketing"]).

Any other ideas anybody?

Oron Peled                             Voice/Fax: +972-4-8228492
ICQ UIN: 16527398

"If I have been able to see farther,
it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants."
        -- Sir Isaac Newton

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