Technical: second lecture - install + network
how about we install a distro live in that lecture and tell people what each
phase does?
That is the plan (just like we did last time)

can you decide "ehad"? :)
great local community, developed here.
we can have an "upgrade" disc, with OOo2, and some other stuff not found on
the original disk.
I think you did something similar last year, or the year before with RH9.

the year before.

The idea is to find the "best-distro-for-newbie". As there are many things we need to worry about (most important: hardware recognition and friendliness), Adir suggested that people would install on virtual machines (or clean machines, or whatever) various distro's and behave like a complete newbie, trying to estimate how good the distro is for the newbie.


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