Umm... What's wrong with Gentoo's Hebrew support? I mean, yeah, okay,
Ubuntu's is better, but Gentoo's isn't BAD.

On 6/16/06, Michael Vasiliev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sunday June 11 2006 14:51, boazg wrote:
> me and the farm crowd strongly stand behind ubuntu.

First of all, it is very nice to hear that the "farm crowd" still exists. I
certainly would like to hear more about it.

> the 6.06 release takes
> simple to a whole new level. it has hebrew, a new, much nicer, clearlooks
> derivative theme, and apt is quite the leader in package management.
> they;ve also put a frontend on apt simpler than synaptic for people who
> want to save time. backed by automatix, a script making installation of
> common non-ubuntu things (like swiftfox, or w32codecs), very simple, and by
> HebUbuntu which sets up in one stroke most things needed for the israeli
> crowd, i believe ubuntu will be the simplest most elegent choice.
> and please tell me FC5 is nothing like RHEL4.

It's better when it comes to managing the system without tribal dancing around
it, but not that good if we speak about a beginner's box. It should come with
a little adjustable headband cushion to protect you from all the rakes you
are going to step on...

I vote for Ubuntu, though I've never used it :) Well, not enough to call it
a "use" really. I am a Gentoo guy myself, that's why I vote for another
distro to be chosen :) Also, hebrew support is crucial, and with the lack of
devs that care about it, it is not a strong side of Gentoo.

Sincerely Yours,
Michael Vasiliev

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